Promotion is an exciting milestone! We look forward to celebrating 8th graders as they leave Bret Harte and head to high school!
Requirement to participate in Promotion on May 28, 2025 at Skyline High School.
- 2.0 GPA for both semesters 1 and 2 with a C or higher in PE and Elective Classes
- Students receive progress reports at the end of each marking period that need to be signed and returned
- No Suspensions during Marking Period 6
- ALL Fees must be paid in order to receive certificate
Requirements to participate in Promotion Activities (Dance, Field Trip, BBQ etc.)
- 95% on time percentage to classes
- 2 Hours out of school Community Service completed
- No out of school suspensions during the 3 weeks prior to the date of the activity/event.
- Starting on February 1st, 2025 no more than 2 behavior referrals until the day of the event.